January 2025 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
01/12/2025 | Gifts of the New Year: Baptism | Randy Haedge | Luke 3:15-22 |
01/05/2025 | Who God Chooses | Jack Schneider | Matthew 2:1-12 |
December 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
12/29/2024 | Simeon & Anna Find Christ - - Did You? | Matt Evans, Elder | Luke 2:2-40 |
12/22/2024 | It's All About the Babies | Randy Ledbetter | Luke 1:39-45 & 46-56 |
12/15/2024 | A Wise Advent | Randy Haedge | Luke 7:18-28 |
12/08/2024 | Even-Keel Advent | Randy Haedge | Luke 3:1-14 |
November 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
11/17/2024 | Don't Give Up | Randy Haedge | Hebrews 10:11-25 |
11/10/2024 | Providence | Randy Haedge | 1 Kings 17:8-16 |
11/03/2024 | So Natural | Randy Haedge | 1 John 3:1-3 |
October 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
10/27/2024 | Formation, Transformation, Reformation | Randy Haedge | Romans 3:19-28 & John 8:31-36 |
10/20/2024 | Eye of the Needle | Randy Ledbetter | Mark 10:23-31 |
10/13/2024 | The Life We All Want | Randy Ledbetter | Mark 10:17-22 |
10/06/2024 | Creatures Who Want to Be Gods & the Bridegroom Who Loves His People | Randy Ledbetter | Mark 10:2-16 |
September 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
09/29/2024 | One of Us | Randy Haedge | Mark 9:38-50 |
09/22/2024 | Honored by God | Jack Schneider | Jeremiah 11:18-20, Mark 9:30-37 |
09/15/2024 | Help My Unbelief | Randy Haedge | Mark 9:14-29 |
09/08/2024 | Pick One? | Jack Schneider | Isa. 35:4-7a;James 2:1-10,14-18;Mark 7:24-37 |
09/01/2024 | Jesus Goes to the Heart of the Problem | Randy Ledbetter | Mark 7:14-23 |
August 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
08/25/2024 | Pride and the Potter | Jack Schneider | Isaiah 29:11-19, Ephesians 5:22-33 |
08/18/2024 | Jesus' Words are Spirit & Life | Paul Baumann | John 6:51-69 |
08/11/2024 | Jesus is the Life Bread | Paul Baumann | John 6:35-51 |
08/04/2024 | Chasing After the Wrong Bread - Finding the Bread of Life | Randy Ledbetter | John 6:22-35 |
July 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
07/28/2024 | His Mercy Endures Forever | Paul Baumann | Mark 6:45-56 |
07/21/2024 | Compassion Brings Action | Rick Pfaff | Mark 6:30-44 |
07/14/2024 | ...So That... | Jack Schneider | Ephesians 1:3-14, Amos 7:7-15 |
07/07/2024 | Prophets without Honor | Randy Ledbetter | Mark 6:1-3, Ezekiel 2:1-5 |
June 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
06/30/2024 | 12 Years a Slave | Randy Haedge | Mark 5:21-43 |
06/23/2024 | It's About Time | Jack Schneider | Mark 4:35-41, 2 Cor. 6:1-13 |
06/16/2024 | I am a Good Parent . . . Really? | Eddie Torea | Mark 4:26-34 |
06/09/2024 | Satan! Sin! Savior! | Craig Schinnerer | Genesis 3:8-15 |
06/02/2024 | STOP! | Craig Schinnerer | Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Mark 2:23-28 (3:1-6) |
May 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
05/26/2024 | An Angel Sent from Angels of the Angel | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 6:1-8 |
05/19/2024 | Paraclete | Craig Schinnerer | John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15 |
05/12/2024 | Manifest . . . for Eternal Life | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 5:9-15 |
05/05/2024 | Manifest . . . by Spirit, Water, Blood | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 5:1-8 |
April 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
04/28/2024 | Manifest . . . with Truth | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 4:1-11 (12-21) |
04/21/2024 | Manifest . . . in Love | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 3:16-24 |
04/14/2024 | Manifest . . . for Children | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 3:1-7 |
04/07/2024 | Manifest . . . as Propitiation | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 1:1 - 2:2 |
March 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
03/31/2024 | Life | Craig Schinnerer | Mark 16:1-8 |
03/24/2024 | Suffering | Craig Schinnerer | Mark 15:1-47 |
03/17/2024 | The Gift Perpetual | Craig Schinnerer | Hebrews 5:1-10 |
03/10/2024 | The Gift Possessed | Craig Schinnerer | Ephesians 2:1-10 |
03/03/2024 | The Gift Presented | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 |
February 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
02/25/2024 | The Gift Purchased | Craig Schinnerer | Romans 5:1-11 |
02/18/2024 | Your Only Son? Dear God! | Craig Schinnerer | Genesis 22:1-18 |
02/11/2024 | Elijah to Elisha | Craig Schinnerer | 2 Kings 2:1-12 |
02/04/2024 | All Things to All Men | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 |
January 2024 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
01/28/2024 | BOTH Here AND There | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 |
01/21/2024 | Just As . . . I AM! | Craig Schinnerer | Mark 1:14-15 |
01/14/2024 | The Spiritual Body | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 |
01/07/2024 | Why Was Jesus Baptized? | Craig Schinnerer | Mark 1:1-5 |
December 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
12/31/2023 | Shining Light | Craig Schinnerer | Gen 1:3, 2 Cor 4:6, John 1:4-6 |
12/24/2023 | Make YOU a House | Craig Schinnerer | 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 |
12/17/2023 | Comfort and JOY | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 |
12/10/2023 | COMFORT and Joy | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 40:1-11 |
12/03/2023 | Prepared to Meet Him? | Craig Schinnerer | Is.64:1-9, 1 Cor.1:3-9, Mark 11:1-10 |
November 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
11/26/2023 | Sheep and Goats | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 25:31-46 |
11/19/2023 | Endtime Parable #2 . . . Talents | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 25:14-30 |
11/12/2023 | Endtime Parable #1 . . . Ten Virgins | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 25:1-13 |
11/05/2023 | Whose You Are | Craig Schinnerer | 1 John 3:1-3 |
October 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
10/29/2023 | Stay | Craig Schinnerer | John 8:31-36 |
10/22/2023 | Cyrus, Ceasar . . . Savior! | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 45:1-7, Matthew 22:15-22 |
10/15/2023 | Focused on Fortified Felicity | Craig Schinnerer | Philippians 4:4-13 |
10/08/2023 | Focused on Faith's Forgetfulness | Craig Schinnerer | Philippians 3:4b-14 |
10/01/2023 | Focused on Fearful Fellowship | Craig Schinnerer | Philippians 2:1-4 (5-13) 14-18 |
September 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
09/24/2023 | Focused on the Fruitful Future | Craig Schinnerer | Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30 |
09/17/2023 | Fulfilled Forgiveness | Craig Schinnerer | Psalm 103:1-12 |
09/10/2023 | Revealing Sin | Craig Schinnerer | Psalm 32:1-7 |
09/03/2023 | Suffering Sinners | Craig Schinnerer | Psalm 26 |
August 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
08/27/2023 | Prevailing Against Hell's Gates | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 16:18 |
08/20/2023 | A House of Prayer For ... | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 56:7 |
08/13/2023 | See the Sea | Craig Schinnerer | Job 38:4-18 |
08/06/2023 | The Free Lunch | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 55:1-5 |
July 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
07/30/2023 | Selling Out . . . for Jesus! | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 13:44-46 |
07/23/2023 | The Parable of the The WHEAT"" (with weeds)"" | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 |
07/16/2023 | The Parable of the Sower | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 |
07/09/2023 | The Yoke's On You | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 11:25-30 |
07/02/2023 | 'Peace! Peace!'?...When There Is Real Peace!!! | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 10:34-42 |
June 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
06/25/2023 | Cries of a Christian | Craig Schinnerer | Jeremiah 20:7-13 |
06/18/2023 | Father's Treasure | Craig Schinnerer | Exodus 19:2-8 |
06/11/2023 | Dinner and the ER! | Jack Schneider | Matthew 9:9-13 |
06/04/2023 | How Great Is Our God | Craig Schinnerer | Gen 1:1-2:4,Mat 28:16-10,Acts 2:14a,22-36 |
May 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
05/28/2023 | My Spirit on All | Craig Schinnerer | Numbers 11:24-30 |
05/21/2023 | Wearing, Not Worn | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11 |
05/14/2023 | Mounted in This Setting | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 3:13-22 |
05/07/2023 | Shining in His Hand | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 2:2-10 |
April 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
04/30/2023 | Appraised and Insured | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 2:19-25 |
04/23/2023 | Purchased and Won | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 1:17-25 |
04/16/2023 | Through the Fire | Craig Schinnerer | 1 Peter 1:3-9 |
04/09/2023 | Garden Tomb | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 28:1-10 |
04/02/2023 | Bethphage | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 21:1-11 |
March 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
03/26/2023 | Bones to Battle | Craig Schinnerer | Ezekiel 37:1-14 |
03/19/2023 | Light in the Midst of Darkness | Craig Schinnerer | John 9:1-41 |
03/12/2023 | The Deep Well | Craig Schinnerer | John 4:5-30,39-42 |
03/05/2023 | Patriarch's Promises | Craig Schinnerer | Genesis 12:1-9 |
February 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
02/26/2023 | In the Wilderness | Craig Schinnerer | Matthew 4:1-11 |
02/19/2023 | Listen Up! | Jack Schneider | Ex.24:8-18, 2 Pt.1:16-21, Mt.17:1-9 |
02/12/2023 | Not Craig ... Christ!!! | Craig Schinnerer | I Corinthians 3:1-9 |
02/05/2023 | I Got Your Back...and Your Front! | Craig Schinnerer | Isaiah 58:1-14 |
January 2023 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
01/29/2023 | We are Beggars | Eddie Torea | Psalm 51:10-12 |
01/22/2023 | Not a Melting Pot, It's About the Gospel | Eddie Torea | Isaiah 9:1-4 |
01/15/2023 | Encounter with God | Irfan Wilson | Acts 9:1-12, Genesis 32:26-32 |
01/08/2023 | New Begins Well into the New Year | Eddie Torea | Matthew 2:1-12 |
01/01/2023 | A Boiling Pot | Irfan Wilson | 2 Kings 4:38-44 |
December 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
12/25/2022 | Born of God | Stace Rollefson | John 1:1-18 |
12/18/2022 | Immanuel - God with Us | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 7:10-17 |
12/11/2022 | The Highway of Holiness | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 35:1-10 |
12/04/2022 | A Different World | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 11:1-10 |
November 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
11/27/2022 | The Way of Love | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 2:1-5 |
11/20/2022 | No Other King Like Jesus | Stace Rollefson | Luke 23:27-43 |
11/13/2022 | Understanding the Signs of the Times | Stace Rollefson | Luke 21:5-36 |
11/06/2022 | Loved to be Different | Stace Rollefson | Matthew 5:1-12 |
October 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
10/30/2022 | God's Word Gives Freedom | Stace Rollefson | John 8:31-36 |
10/23/2022 | Faith Seeks Grace | Stace Rollefson | Luke 18:9-17 |
10/16/2022 | Faith Looks a Lot Like Prayer | Stace Rollefson | Luke 18:1-8 |
10/09/2022 | Enduring in His Faithfulness | Stace Rollefson | 2 Timothy 2:1-13 |
10/02/2022 | Spirit Born & Spirit Kept Faith | Stace Rollefson | 2 Timothy 1:1-14 |
September 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
09/25/2022 | The Good Fight of Faith | Stace Rollefson | I Timothy 6:6-19 |
09/18/2022 | Pray for Our Nation's Leaders | Stace Rollefson | I Timothy 2:1-15 |
09/11/2022 | Our Repentance is Heaven's Joy | Stace Rollefson | Luke 15:1-10 |
09/04/2022 | Jesus Counted the Cost and Did It | Stace Rollefson | Luke 14:25-35 |
August 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
08/28/2022 | An Attitude of Mercy | Stace Rollefson | Luke 14:1-14 |
08/21/2022 | Jesus' Blood Lets Us In | Stace Rollefson | Luke 13:22-30 |
08/14/2022 | People of Faith | Stace Rollefson | Hebrew 11:17-12:3 |
08/07/2022 | God's Therapy for Worry | Ken Haupt | Luke 12:22-40 |
July 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
07/31/2022 | Jesus on the Way | Irfan Wilson | Luke 19:1-10 |
07/24/2022 | Learning to Talk With Jesus | Stace Rollefson | Luke11:1-13 |
07/17/2022 | Living at Jesus' Feet | Stace Rollefson | Luke 10:38-42 |
07/10/2022 | Mercy | Stace Rollefson | Luke 10:25-37 |
07/03/2022 | Celebrate Jesus | Stace Rollefson | Luke 10:1-20 |
June 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
06/26/2022 | Don't Give Up | Stace Rollefson | Luke 9:51-62 |
06/19/2022 | Tell Your Story | Stace Rollefson | Luke 8:26-39 |
06/12/2022 | One + One + One = One | Stace Rollefson | John 8:48-56 |
06/05/2022 | The Help of the Holy Spirit | Stace Rollefson | John 14:23-31 |
May 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
05/29/2022 | Alleluia, Christ is Risen & Reigning! | Stace Rollefson | Luke 24:44-53 |
05/22/2022 | Afflicted But Joyous | Stace Rollefson | John 16:23-33 |
05/15/2022 | God's Love Is The Key | Stace Rollefson | John 13:31-35 |
05/08/2022 | In His Grip | Stace Rollefson | John 10:22-30 |
05/01/2022 | Jesus Teaches Us Too | Stace Rollefson | John 21:1-19 |
April 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
04/24/2022 | Resurrection Rescue | Stace Rollefson | John 20:19-31 |
04/17/2022 | Good News to Remember | Stace Rollefson | Luke 24:1-12 |
04/10/2022 | Save Us He Did | Stace Rollefson | John 12:9-19 |
04/03/2022 | Stewarding, Not Owning, God's Vineyard | Stace Rollefson | Luke 20:9-20 |
March 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
03/27/2022 | Not Fair, Thank God | Stace Rollefson | Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 |
03/20/2022 | Repentance - A Way of Life in the Lord | Stace Rollefson | Luke 13:1-9 |
03/13/2022 | Going with Jesus | Stace Rollefson | Luke 13:31-35 |
03/06/2022 | Jesus-Our Rescue From Temptation | Stace Rollefson | Luke 4:1-13 |
February 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
02/27/2022 | Transformed by Jesus | Stace Rollefson | Luke 9:28-36 |
02/20/2022 | God's Grace Heals Deep Hurts | Stace Rollefson | Genesis 45:3-15 |
02/13/2022 | Trees of Righteousness | Stace Rollefson | Jeremiah 17:5-8 |
02/06/2022 | Best News Ever-The Holy Seed Sprouted | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 6:1-13 Ps.2:1-12 |
January 2022 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
01/30/2022 | Pray Psalm 71 | Stace Rollefson | Psalm 71 |
01/23/2022 | The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength | Stace Rollefson | Nehemiah 8:1-10 |
01/16/2022 | God Rejoices Over You | Stace Rollefson | Isaiah 62:1-5 |
01/09/2022 | The Beautiful Sonrise | Stace Rollefson | Matthew 2:1-12 |
01/02/2022 | Focus | Stace Rollefson | Luke 2:40-52 |
December 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
12/26/2021 | Stop and Hold the Baby | Stace Rollefson | Luke 2:22-40 |
12/19/2021 | St Paul Lutheran Church - A Holy People | Stace Rollefson | Hebrews 10:5-10 |
12/12/2021 | St Paul Lutheran Church - Giving Anxiety to the Right One | Stace Rollefson | Philipians 4:4-7 |
12/05/2021 | St Paul Lutheran Church - A Partnership in Grace | Stace Rollefson | Philippians 1:2-11 |
November 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
11/28/2021 | St Paul Lutheran Church - People of Prayer | Stace Rollefson | I Thessalonians 3:9-13 |
11/21/2021 | Christ the King Sunday | Stace Rollefson | Mark 13:24-37 |
11/14/2021 | I believe in the Resurrection | Stace Rollefson | Daniel 12:1-3 |
11/07/2021 | A View Worth Taking In | Stace Rollefson | Revelation 7:1-17 |
October 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
10/31/2021 | Reformation, A Way of Life | Stace Rollefson | John 8:31-36 |
10/24/2021 | Don't Fit In, Ask for Help | Stace Rollefson | Mark 10:46-52 |
10/17/2021 | Praise and Worship at Midnight | Irfan Wilson | Joshua 6:1-11 & Acts 16:25-34 |
10/10/2021 | Your Faith: History or Current Events? | Stace Rollefson | Mark 10:17-22 |
10/03/2021 | Marriage: An Illustration of the Church | Stace Rollefson | Mark 10:2-16 |
September 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
09/26/2021 | A congregation where healing happens. | Stace Rollefson | James 5:1-20 |
09/19/2021 | Heart care. | Stace Rollefson | James 3:13-4:10 |
09/12/2021 | Faith Recognizes Unbelief | Stace Rollefson | Mark 9:14-29 |
09/05/2021 | Faith holds on to to Jesus. | Stace Rollefson | Mark 7:24-37 |
August 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
08/29/2021 | Spiritual Heart Health | Stace Rollefson | Mark 7:14-21 |
08/22/2021 | God's miracle! | Rand Certain | Matthew 19:4-6 |
08/15/2021 | A tale of two kingdoms. | Kenneth Haupt | John 6:51-69 |
08/08/2021 | Amazing grace, peace, and unseen faith. | Rand Certain | 1 Peter 1:3-9 & Mark 16:1-14 |
08/01/2021 | Jesus, our soul food. | Stace Rollefson | John 6:22-35 |
July 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
07/25/2021 | Jesus, ark of our salvation. | Stace Rollefson | Mark 6:45-56 |
07/18/2021 | In Christ care. | Stace Rollefson | Mark 6:30-44 |
07/11/2021 | The cost of faithfulness. | Stace Rollefson | Mark 6:14-29 |
07/04/2021 | Strength in weakness. | Stace Rollefson | 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 |
June 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
06/27/2021 | Faith, A Different Kind of Touch | Stace Rollefson | Mark 5:21-43 |
06/13/2021 | Trust God with cross eyes. | Stace Rollefson | 2 Corinthians 5:1-17 |
06/06/2021 | The Lord's family of faith. | Stace Rollefson | Mark 3:20-35 |
May 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
05/30/2021 | Defending & proclaiming the Trinity. | Stace Rollefson | Acts 2 |
05/23/2021 | Saved by the Spirit. | Stace Rollefson | Acts 2:1-21 |
05/16/2021 | Jesus' ministry now. | Stace Rollefson | Ephesians 1:15-23 |
05/09/2021 | Real love! | Stace Rollefson | John 15:9-17 |
05/02/2021 | Connected to Jesus. | Stace Rollefson | John 15:1-8 |
April 2021 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
04/25/2021 | A voice Like No Other | Stace Rollefson | John 10:11-18 |
04/11/2021 | Rescue! | Stace Rollefson | John 19:19-31 |
04/04/2021 | Standing on the Gospel. | Stace Rollefson | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 |
October 2017 | Title | Speaker | Scripture |
10/29/2017 | Happy 500th anniversary! | Stace Rollefson | John 8:31-36 |